The School of Transmutation involves altering matter, modifying creatures, and weaving energy to create brand new forms. True Transmuters aren’t satisfied with mere alchemical tricks — they seek out ways
Author: Matt Zane
Necromancers make people uncomfortable. In the most permissive societies that tolerate such experimentation, their actions are taboo. In more conservative climes, anyone associated with necromantic magic could be considered evil
Illusionists study magic that creates confounding mirages, shimmering spectacles, and phantasmal apparitions designed to befuddle the senses. They can create realities out of nothing, attack their foes’ mental fortitude, and
Controlling elemental forces, channeling healing energy, and badass combat magic is what the School of Evocation is all about. Evokers are the classic war-mages — the fireball-tossing, wound-suturing, earth-shaking mages
Whether you’re out to ease people’s worries or sow discord among the harmonious, the School of Enchantment has the bewitching magic that you’re looking for. Enchantresses call upon subtle arts
From seeing across great distances and dimensions to plumbing the depths of another being’s consciousness, the school of Divination has much to offer an aspiring spellcaster. Of course, diviners’ most
You speak a one-word command to a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow the command on its next turn.
For those keen on creation, there’s no school of magic more enticing than Conjuration. Conjurers summon up matter from nothingness, call upon extraplanar forces for aid, and teleport between distances
To abjure means to solemnly renounce or reject beliefs, claims, or causes, or to abstain from something. From a magical perspective, the School of Abjuration focuses on protecting allies and