Recharge refers to the roll required for a creature to be able to use an ability. For example, if a monster ability says “Recharge 5-6,” that means the monster rolls
Author: Matt Zane
Clerics, Druids, and Rangers use Wisdom for spellcasting, and Monks use Wisdom for their AC calculations and Ki save DC. For Clerics, Druids, and Rangers, their spell attack bonus is
A Ranger gets between 2 and 11 spells known, plus the possibility of learning two Druid cantrips if they choose the Druidic Warrior fighting style. Rangers get their first two
In DnD 5e, hit dice are are dice used for three things: Starting hit points Hit points per level Recovering hit points during a short rest Starting Hit Points At
You level up when you earn a certain amount of experience points (XP) or reach a certain milestone, depending on your DM. Monsters have XP values based on their challenge
To calculate damage in DnD 5e, roll the appropriate damage die or dice and add any modifiers that apply to the attack, spell, or ability. When attacking with a weapon,
To learn more languages in DnD 5e, you must receive training from an instructor for 10 workweeks, reduced by a number equal to your Intelligence modifier. This costs 25 gp
You can travel up to 30 miles in 8 hours a day in DnD 5e without risking exhaustion. This is assuming a Fast travel pace, which also gives you a
Teleportation is in the Conjuration school of magic in DnD 5e. All 10 spells that involve teleporting the spellcaster and/or their allies are in the school of Conjuration magic. The
A single gold piece weighs .02 pounds in DnD 5e, meaning that 50 coins weighs a pound. Assuming that coins are purely made of gold, a gold coin would be