In DnD, the Chaotic Good alignment represents those who champion freedom, individuality, and goodness. Key Traits of Chaotic Good Characters Chaotic Good characters are driven by a desire for individual
Category: DnD 5e Basics
In DnD, the Neutral Good alignment represents those who strive for a balance between individual freedom and a commitment to goodness. Key Traits of Neutral Good Characters Neutral Good characters
In DnD, the Lawful Good alignment represents those who strive for a harmonious blend of order and morality. Key Traits of Lawful Good Characters Lawful Good characters are driven by
Alignment is a system that Dungeons and Dragons’ creators introduced in 1974 and refined in 1979. The two axes that alignment runs along are Good-Evil and Lawful-Chaotic, with Neutral fitting
Charisma represents a character’s charm and their ability to interact effectively with others. It relates to your social confidence, eloquence, and the force of your personality. Charisma is important for
Wisdom represents your character’s perceptiveness, intuition, and practical intelligence. Wise characters notice things that others don’t, understand things about others’ intentions, and know how to apply those details in a
Intelligence measures a character’s mental sharpness, ability to recall information, and skill at applying logic. Intelligence is the primary ability for Wizards and Artificers, and an important ability for Eldritch
Constitution is the measure of a character’s physical health, stamina, energy, and will to resist and endure. Hit Points A character’s hit points are affected by its Constitution modifier. At
Dexterity represents a character’s agility, reflexes, balance, and fine motor skills in DnD 5e. Characters use Dexterity to avoid area-of-effect attacks like a dragon’s breath, move without being seen, perform
Strength represents a character’s physical power and prowess in DnD 5e. Your Strength modifier can be used as the attack roll and damage modifier for all melee weapons. A Strength